Air Conditioning
South Jersey

Ensuring Your Home’s Systems Are in Excellent Condition
At EnviroSafe Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Water Treatment, we feel that the service of any or all of the mechanical systems in your home or business should be done with a quality of care only offered by an experienced and licensed team of technicians. Our 360-degree service consists of all of the practical service requirements needed for your typical home. This service can and should be adjusted for each individual home or business depending on the type of system set up.
The contracts we offer can be bundled to save you time and money. Please call our South Jersey HVAC, plumbing, and water treatment experts today or ask your EnviroSafe technician about how to bundle your system services.

No matter what you need, EnviroSafe is here to save the day!
Water Treatment Service
A typical water treatment service is scheduled on an annual basis. Cost will vary depending on how many systems you have and what type.
Most well water in South Jersey fails for low in PH, meaning your water has a high acidity level. Highly acidic water wears away anything metallic it comes in contact with, including your pipes and fixtures. This acidic condition is treated by using an acid neutralizer. The resin in the system is a limestone material that dissolves in the water to neutralize or raise your PH. This resin needs to be replaced periodically depending on your family’s water use. A common misconception is that your limestone tank is the same as your salt tank. This is not the case. They are two totally different items.
Heating and cooling systems should be inspected regularly to ensure that they are running efficiently and effectively year-round. While regular maintenance of your systems does not completely eliminate the possibility of system breakdown or failure, it significantly reduces the chances of such incidents occurring. We recommend having your AC examined in the springtime to ensure smooth functioning in the summer and we recommend having your heater checked in the fall to ensure it keeps you warm in the winter.
During our maintenance checks, we will carefully inspect your units, change out your filters, diagnose any existing issues, and conduct thorough repairs.
Things to keep in mind when we are servicing your heating and cooling systems:
- Depending on the fuel used to heat your home, prices will vary for your heating service.
- If your heating system has a humidifier, it should be serviced every fall.
- If your home has an electronic air cleaner, it should be cleaned and checked every fall.
This service is scheduled on a bi-annual basis, in the spring and the fall. Twice each year (spring or fall) our service technician should be checking your pump cycling times, the physical condition, the air pressure in your storage tank, the amperage draw of your pump, and the condition of your pressure switch.
Checking your pump, pressure switch, and storage tank on a regular basis will prevent having large future expenses. You may have to repair or replace one of these items from time to time, but by taking care of that single item, you are preventing the possibility of having to replace all three. For instance, if your storage tank fails it could very easily ruin your pressure switch and your pump.
This service is scheduled on an annual basis:
- For Traditional Tank Water Heaters: Checking your hot water heater will consist of draining some water from it and checking its safety features and its overall operation.
- For Tankless Water Heaters: Most new style tank-less hot water heaters have a specific maintenance schedule that should be followed as specified by the manufacturer. This will help the unit continue to run at the high-efficiency rating they are known for and also keep your warranty enforced.
A sump pump service is not something most people consider important, but the day the rains start coming is not the day to find out that it’s not pumping or the line leaks or the check valve doesn’t hold.
This service consists of us running your sump pump through a few cycles just to make sure it and all of its components are working correctly.
Your South Jersey Home Services Experts are Here to Help
Please understand that all these services are performed to try and prevent failures in the middle of a season or at the time these systems are needed, but this does not guarantee that these systems will not fail in between services. Call us today to learn more!